The grapefruit extract is an organic product that is obtained from the seeds and the fleshy part of the fruit. It has the chemical name diphenol hydroxybenzene and is a combination of different natural constituents: flavonoids, amino acids, ...
Green Coffee Beans supplements are named to have a mythological power and bring some real benefits. Green coffee beans became known as the crude and natural sibling of the popular cafe that is part of the daily lives ...
EGCG is the substance responsible for the glory of the green tea extract. In the green tea, as in some other species originating from the Camellia Sinensis plant, are contained the so-called catechins. With the advancement of science, ...
Jiaogulan is also called Gynostemma pentaphyllum. The English name that you will find most often is Jiaogulan. In phytotherapy, jiaogulan is known as a proven antioxidant and adaptogen. This effect of the herb is due to the contained ...
Green tea is one of the most powerful natural antioxidant sources and is the second most popular beverage worldwide. It contains a plurality of polyphenols, in particular, catechins. People, however, often overlook the power of green tea as ...
Lutein, like the other useful eye antioxidant zeaxanthin, is a substance with a carotenoid structure, resembling beta-carotene (pre-vitamin A). Lutein is a xanthophyll and is synthesized in many green plants such as spinach and kale. Lutein exhibits powerful ...
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