When I'm out, whether running or participating in some outdoor activity, I often find myself feeling a little hungry. Even though I have eaten a meal in the not too distant past, a little extra protein could give ...
No longer just a fad, it seems as if coconut oil products have become a full-on and nationwide obsession. You cannot be on the internet for more than ten minutes before another article that sings its praises and ...
Protein bars are gaining more and more popularity. And with their popularity, we raise the question are protein bars good for you? Aside from the traditional place, which we are used to finding them (gyms and nutritional supplements ...
Antioxidants are special substances that can help prevent cell damage, especially when the damage is caused by oxidation. In some cases, antioxidants may also reverse some types of damage. Specific types of oxygen molecules can travel through the ...
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is used by the body to maintain healthy connective tissue. Scurvy, which occurs when enough vitamin C is not consumed, can cause the collagen in the body to begin to breakdown. Scurvy can be prevented with ...
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