If you have problems with concentration, busy everyday life and you work with large volumes of fast-changing information flows, the heavy workouts can sometimes make things worse by pulling nutrients away from the mind. The first solution is ...
Inositol belongs to the family of vitamins from B group as often referred to as vitamin B8. Inositol reduces the level of cholesterol and triglycerides (fat) in the body. It is responsible for the smooth functioning of the ...
Lecithin is a yellow-brown substance that we can meet in the cell membranes in various animal and plant tissues. The fat tissue is usually a mixture of substances: phosphoric acid, choline, phospholipids, triglycerides (normal fat), complex glycolipid molecules, ...
Green tea is one of the most powerful natural antioxidant sources and is the second most popular beverage worldwide. It contains a plurality of polyphenols, in particular, catechins. People, however, often overlook the power of green tea as ...
Nowadays the pharmaceutical market for improving brain activity is flooded with supplements and drugs. A large part of these substances are completely natural and derive from the most common herbs or flowers. Few people could imagine that a ...
Huperzine A is a popular alkaloid that is used as a nootropic, and that is sometimes recommended as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease. It is thought to have neuroprotective properties, and is often considered as a "full package." ...
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