​Jiaogulan is also called Gynostemma pentaphyllum. The English name that you will find most often is Jiaogulan. ​In phytotherapy, jiaogulan is known as a proven antioxidant and adaptogen. This effect of the herb is due to the contained ...

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The kombucha mushroom has been a natural remedy in Asia and Russia for centuries. Its popularity as an "immortal health elixir" is constantly growing. According to studies carried out in Russia, the ingredients of the mushroom have expressed ...

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L-arginine (here and after referred to as arginine) is a positively charged amino acid, which is classified as essential or conditionally indispensable at certain conditions. Every fitness enthusiast has heard of L-Arginine, but few know that it neutralizes ...

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Lecithin is a yellow-brown substance that we can meet in the cell membranes in various animal and plant tissues. ​The fat tissue is usually a mixture of substances: phosphoric acid, choline, phospholipids, triglycerides (normal fat), complex glycolipid molecules, ...

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Leucine is one of the three interlinked amino acids, often occurring with the acronym BCAAs (the other two are valine and isoleucine). HMB is an end metabolite of leucine when it gets inside the body. ​​Leucine and the ...

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Licorice belongs to the Fabaceae family and covers several types of plants with the common name Glycyrrhiza. The word glycyrrhiza is derived from Greek and means “sweet root.” The herb has been used in Greek medicine for the ...

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