Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a mitochondrial fatty acid that is involved in energy metabolism. ALA is a potent anti-oxidant compound. It works with mitochondria and the body's natural antioxidant defenses. It is also seen as an anti-aging ...
Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) is a plant. The peel, flower, leaf, fruit, and fruit juice are used to make medicine. Bitter orange oil is made from the peel. Bitter orange peel is also used to improve appetite, and ...
Do you like spicy? No problem, even if you're not keen on spicy food. The useful properties of hot peppers are now encapsulated and waiting for you to reach for them. Capsaicin is a kind of red peppers (Capsicum ...
Chromium is one of the vital microelements for our bodies. When taken in sufficient quantities, chromium increases the anabolic effect of insulin and significantly increases the rate of glucose utilization. Chromium greatly reduces "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides in ...
Have you asked yourself the question: "How to get rid of my fat without losing muscle mass at the same time?" Will the herb from the mountains of Nepal fulfill its promise to help us preserve our precious ...
A lot of people have been talking about Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) recently. They commonly ask questions about it, although having no idea what it does how it does it, where it comes from and how much should ...
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